While we grappled with news and fake news in 2017, from the unholy war in Yemen to the various terrorist attacks and the defeat of ISIS (goodnews), some important news did not make it into the headlines.
In Tunisia a law has been passed to allow Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men (contrary to outdated sharia laws) – this is unprecedented in the Muslim world.
Bangladesh declares itself a secular country. Due to a project
initiated by Muslims Facing Tomorrow, over 25 villages in
Bangladesh have been de-radicalized and 85 more are on the list
India has banned the practice of triple talaq (divorce)
In Jordan a Fatwa (religious edict) was issued, declaring for the first
time that “honor” killings are contrary to Sharia law. The fatwa said
that such killings are one of society’s most heinous crimes and the
law protecting perpetrators of honor killings is being changed to
ensure that they will be punished.
In Morocco, the King, Mohammed VI, has announced a landmark
reform to the law over women's position in the family and bring
changes to the polygamy laws.
Muslim women are taking charge of their lives and laws and pushing
back slowly but surely against patriarchy, misogyny and unequal
And this New Year’s Eve I’m celebrating with our Persian friends in support
of the tremendous courage shown in the past few days by the people of
Iran in protesting against a corrupt and oppressive regime.
All this gives us hope and optimism for 2018. After a half a decade of
internal turmoil, there is pushback against the Islamists – a pushback by
people finally waking up to the reality of the 21 st century.
We hope that that Canadian government makes note of this and stops their
unabashed patronage of an evil Jihadist ideology.
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